Wisrod Investments Pvt Ltd was founded in 2012 in Zimbabwe as a micro-finance institution (MFI) with the primary objective of championing and participating in the financial inclusion of the most disadvantaged and marginalised members of our society. Wisrod targets the Micro, Small to Medium Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) which includes primarily fruit and vegetable vendors, flea market vendors, tuck shops, and formalised entrepreneurs. Our driving goal is the financial empowerment of every Zimbabwean through offering the right financial product.
Our mission is to provide less bureaucratic and easy access to finance to the unserved and underserved micro businesses by providing financial interventions which are guided by the philosophy of simplicity and effectiveness in product design and service delivery.
To become a world class and well diversified financial service company offering affordable access to a wide range of appropriately designed financial products and services
Our Values
In pursuit of the financial inclusion agenda, Wisrod Investments believes in the following five developmental values which are honesty, fairness, reliability, accountability, and fair competition.
Appropriate and careful designing of simple products which suits client needs.
Fair and respectful treatment of clients regardless of circumstances.
We will deliver what we said we will deliver when we said we will deliver.
We take responsibility for our actions regardless of circumstances.
Fair Competition
We will compete fairly and ethically in the marketplace.
Honesty when dealing with our stakeholders
As Wisrod Investment Pvt Ltd, a registered credit only Microfinance, we have adopted the Core Client Protection Principles(CCPPs) as a bar in terms of putting our clients first in the microfinance business. We are committed to protecting our clients from predatory lending practices. These client protection principles include:
Principle 1: Appropriate Product Design and Delivery
- Wisrod Investment P/L offers products and services that are suited to clients’ needs.
- Wisrod Investment P/L monitors the suitability of products, services and delivery channels. This is pilot tested before launching and we consistently check and monitor the suitability of the products and services.
- At Wisrod Investment P/L our Lending Staff is guided by a comprehensive procedure manual policy and documented process are in place to prevent aggressive sales and over lending techniques and forced signing of contracts.
Principle 2: Prevention of Over-indebtedness
- Wisrod Investment P/L systems are configured to prevent overindebtedness of clients. The company senior management and board monitor the market and respond to heightened overindebtedness risk.
Principle 3: Transparency
- Wisrod Policy and documented process are in place to require transparency on product terms, conditions and
- pricing. Our Staff are often retrained and reoriented on the importance of product term awareness.
Principle 4: Wisrod believes in responsible pricing of all its products and services.
Principle 5: Fair and Respectful Treatment of Clients
- Our Client data is kept secure and confidential.
- Wisrod Investment P/L has an effective system in place to receive and resolve client complaints.
- Wisrod Investment P/L informs clients about their right to complain and how to submit a complaint.
Principle 6: Privacy of Client Data
Principle 7: Mechanisms for Complaints Resolution